New Water Rate Structure Starting 7/1/2020
Submitted by JohnAmery on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 1:36pmSee new rate structure here:
providing safe and affordable water to our local community
See new rate structure here:
This serves as notice that Tooley Water District will have a budget hearing on Thursday June 18th at 7:00pm.
Please see LB-1 notification here:
Additional details can be accessed here:
This will be a public meeting.
Public comments can be emailed to .
Any requests will be acknowledge with an emailed receipt response.
Additionally, time will be allocated for public comment at the virtual meeting.
Details for access are available here:
Tooley Water District has moved to a completely virtual environment for meetings.
Please contact if you would like access information.
Long time board member Richard Pontow passed away September 12th. Mr. Pontow has served on the water board for many decades (possibly since the 1960's). Mr. Pontow's dedication to his community through his contributions to Tooley Water District will be remembered and long appreciated.
The Fiscal year 2019/2020 was voted upon at the budget hearing.
View the resolution here:
Starting July 1st, Tooley Water District Water Rates will be going up.
see the new rate structure here:
See details regarding proposed budget and rate increase to be discussed at the budget hearing on June 20, 2019 7:00pm at NWCPUD board room here:
Tooley Water District experienced system issues today (5/14/19) as our radio system between our reservoir and the wells failed. This caused our reservoir to drain empty which in turn created a situation where many users lost water. Additionally many users experienced brown rust colored water. The radio system is now operational and all systems are back to normal.
We recommend running water through your faucet if you experience rust colored water to clear out your lines.
The 2019/2020 Budget meeting will take place Thursday 5/16/19 at NWCPUD board room at 5:00pm.
This is a public meeting. Tooley Water District Rate Payers will have the opportunity for comment.
More details are available here:
Tooley Water District is requesting proposals from qualified vendors for leak detection and asset mapping solutions.
See details here:
Funding for this RFP has been made possible by a grant provided by State of Oregon through it's Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority of the Business Development Department.